Efficiency Driven Manufacturing Initiative (EfficiencyDMI) presents to you a Virtual Pitching contest Just Pitch It (JPI 2.0) with the Theme; Sustainable Roots-Transforming Challenges into Sustainable Solutions.
The Pitching contest aligns with EfficiencyDMI goals which include bridging the gap between Industry and academia as well as supporting the United Nation's sustainable development goals (SDGs) 4, 9, 12, and 13.
The 2024 edition of JPI will be centered on examining how participants manage localizing their supply chain and use of Raw Materials, predominantly it would be structured around innovative solutions with locally sourced materials.
The JPI 2.0 pitching contest is open to start-ups, young professionals, and students of various higher institutions as well as creative innovators in Nigeria.
Eligibility Criteria:
? Applicants must reside in Nigeria, be a creative innovator with a business/product sample made from raw materials found/sourced in Nigeria, and fulfill any of the below requirements;
? An undergraduate/undergraduates of any higher institution of learning
? Young professional(s)
? Creative innovators
? Applicants must be able to show evidence of the source of their products as well as their existing idea already being implemented.
? Applicants' ideas must be in line with the focus (raw materials) and must be able to show evidence of product efficacy/durability.
? Applicants' products must be eco-friendly from extraction to finished production.
? Applicants can apply as an individual or as a team.
Contest Phases
The competition is segmented into 4 phases with a total of 100 points accruable upon completion. Each phase would be judged based on key criteria which include:
? Identification of challenges
? Solution Proposal
? Feasibility and Impact
? Presentation
Each phase will be elaborated on below, alongside requirements to earn full points based on the set criteria. Participants are encouraged to ensure that instructions attached to each phase are thoroughly adhered to and carried out with utmost attention to detail to earn points that would earn them a spot in the next round.
Phase 1 – Application Phase (10 points)
? Applicants are expected to create an account via the EfficiencyDMI website (see the create account link to the top right of this page)
? Participants applying as a team are expected to create an account and submit their application as a team using the details of the team lead.
? Applicants are expected to upload a 2-minute (max) video pitching their ideas
? Video should be uploaded by applicant(s) on their various platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and/or Twitter) where the presence of EfficiencyDMI exists.
All entries should include the EfficiencyDMI hash(#)tags;
? Applicants who do not have an account with any of the above-listed platforms should send an email to (support@efficiencydmi.com) with the subject Request for Personal Applicant Google Drive Folder for the “Topic of the pitching contest”. Upon receipt of the email, applicant(s) will receive a personally created applicant Google Drive folder link where they are expected to upload their entry.
Applicants’ entry video is expected to briefly communicate the;
? Applicants’ (individual/team) name(s), and title of project.
? The aim and relevance of the proposed solution.
? The region (state) where raw materials were sourced from in Nigeria, applicants can choose not to divulge the precise vendor however must know what state in Nigeria the raw material was gotten.
? Economic and environmental impact of the proposed solution.
? Estimated cost of product, if any.
Phase 2 – More information will be available towards the end of Phase 1.
Entry Open: 13-05-2024
Entry Close: 07-06-2024
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